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Our customers are our business. In order to maintain high levels of satisfaction we are constantly assessing the views of our customers. We operate a fair system for handling complaints and respect the rights of the consumer in the countries in which we operate.(HILTON)

Marriott's reputation for superior customer service rises out of a long
tradition that started with J. Willard Marriott's simple goal for Hot
Shoppes to provide "Good Food and Good Service at a Fair Price."
•-不遗余力的为顾客着想"Do Whatever it Takes to Take Care of the Customer"
•-对顾客无微不至的关心Pay extraordinary attention to detail
•-以硬件环境为荣Take pride in their physical surroundings (Marriot)

Cendant Guest tracking our hotels benefits from our Guest Satisfaction Tracking System, the largest such system in the lodging industry. This advanced database will measure and track key product and service attributes directly related to guest satisfaction and guest retention at your hotel.(CENDANT)


We will make customer loyalty a key driver of our business through
- consistency in delivery of service
- delighting our customers in every customer contact
- executives having a customer contact role.

我们的使命宣言:为客人提供物有所值的特色服务 和创新产品,令客人喜出望外。

Our Mission :Delighting customers by providing quality and value through distinctive service and innovative products (Shangri-La)

雷迪森:雷迪森的目标是100% 的顾客满意率,如果你对某项服务不满意,请让我们知道,我们将对其进行纠正否则你可以不付款。

Our goal at Radisson is 100% guest satisfaction, if you aren’t satisfied with something, please let us know and we’ll make it right or you won’t pay.(Radisson)

海天:海天经营理念:为顾客创造价值Create value for guests;海天服务理念:海天之间一个家Hai Tian is a home away from home
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